Here comes the latest amazing czechhunter update, so sit tight cause here it comes! It had been already late into the evening when I thought I should go for a walk through the park.Of course that I had my webcam with me. Cause, in fact, you can’t say for sure what it’s the future gonna bring you. And indeed there initially were those two nice and horny guys who were sitting on a bench in the park. At first they didn’t actually observe me. I was a little bit worried about nearing them. Sometimes the guys react hostile if they are more in a crowd. But nonetheless I chose to try my fortune. After having a short interview I noticed that they are totally broke. With out having any money for an additional beer. For 4000 crowns these two revealed me their cocks. After that I presented them a really immoral suggestion for a threesome at my apartment.
One of them was ok with that, since the very beginning. He was very attracted to the cash that he even assisted me to encourage his friend. What occurred is a thing even I will always remember. Have a blast watching this amazing Czech Hunter video to see what happened into my apartment with these two horny good looking guys! It will totally make your day, I promise you that. You will love the way they will be shy at first, touching my erect tool, but shortly they will knock themselves out! Have fun! For similar hardcore gay sex content, check out The Boss scene and have fun!
Enjoy watching the hunter fucking these cute guys!